Every Hermès handbag is a symbol of luxury, elegance and timelss style. But it is not just the unique look that varies from bag to bag. Whether you’re looking for a Constance, Birkin or Kelly – they not only come in different colours, materials or patterns, but also sizes. Therefore, our Hermès "Size Guide" gives you an overview of the available models in each collection.


The shape of the Constance is more linear, casual and modern.

This bag is available in two main sizes: 18 a smaller version for the evening and 24 slightly bigger for daily use.

The Constance exists also in micro and bigger sizes which are very rare.


The Hermès Birkin bags are extraordinary and come in many different sizes. The range also includes very big sizes. This is due to their history: When the famous actress, Jane Birkin, met Robert Dumas – then chairman of Hermès – she told him that she wished for a designer bag that was not only stylish but also suited the needs of a young mother. First and foremost, it had to be big enough to hold all the things she needed to take with her.

This inspired him to create a Hermès model that was far more spacious, but no less elegant and appealing than its sisters. Today the Birkin Bag is one of the most sought-after handbags worldwide and collectors fancy them in all main sizes: 25, 30, 35, 40 but also in rare mini and micro ( 15 and 20) or travel (50 and 55) sizes. 


Hermès Kelly bags are known for their distinctive and timeless look. The Kelly owes its popularity to an image that spread around the world: the famous Hollywood star Grace Kelly hiding a growing baby belly behind the handbag.

Today Hermès produces this bag in the following main sizes: 20, 25, 28, 32, 35 and 40.